KOBOtect sun block film
Thoroughly cuts heat and UV rays in spite of its transparency
KOBOtect Sunblock film is a window film that blocks heat and UV rays.
In addition to high thermal barrier performance, this high transparency film achieves an ultraviolet (UV) transmittance of 0.01 TP3T.
By shielding a wide range of infrared rays, everyone can experience heat shielding,
Due to its effectiveness
It is now possible to control excessive increases in indoor temperatures.
In addition, by allowing no UV rays to penetrate as much as 1%, it prevents UV rays from deteriorating interior decorations and tanning skin.
By thoroughly blocking heat and UV while allowing only light to pass through, the interior is not darkened,
comfort of the space.
The film is capable of creating an environment.
Infrared Transmittance
Visible Light Transmittance